John Rødgaard, 200 landsdystir !

Seinni landsdysturin millum Føroyar og Ísland endaði við 4 -6 sigri til Ísland.
Føroyingar vóru eitt vet veikari mannaðir til seinna dystin, men tað skal einki takast frá íslendsku gestunum,
sum fingu uppreisn eftir stórtapið fríggjadagin. Samanlagt vinna Føroyar vinarlandsdystin við 12½ stigum móti 7½ stigum.

Føroyar – Ísland 8½ – 1½


Í fyrra vinarlandsdystinum millum Føroyar og Ísland legði føroyska liðið hart út, og hølvaði Ísland av 8½ - 1½.

Føroysku telvararnir telvaðu trygt og væl, og sjálvt um íslendingar als einki hepnið høvdu hendan dagin, so var
sigurin fult uppiborin. Hetta er størsti sigur Føroyar hava vunnið á Íslandi nakrantíð !

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Nordic Women Championship

Dear Nordic Chess Friends. Nordic Women Championship will be in Reykjavik 19th-24th September. Seven rounds open for every Nordic women. Playing venue will be Norræna húsið (The Nordic house) ( Great playing venue – very much downtown. More information and official invitation will be sent in next week. Dear Nordic Chess Friends. Nordic Women Championship will be in Reykjavik 19th-24th September. Seven rounds open for every Nordic women. Playing venue will be Norræna húsið (The Nordic house) ( Great playing venue – very much downtown. More information and official invitation will be sent in next week.

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Seinni dysturin verður telvaður í Klaksvík (Ósáskúlin) sunnudagin 18. august kl. 14.00.
Føroyar vunnu fyrra dystin 8½ - 1½


Trýst á les meira fyri at síggja liðini.

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Steypakappingin 2013



Der var kun tilmeldt syv hold til dette års “Steypakapping”.

Dette, og måske også de lidt mere sterile omgivelser, gav muligvis en lidt mindre livlig stemning end sædvanligt, men til gengæld var der spænding på hele vejen.

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ACO World Amateur Chess Championship 2013



Í døgunum 11 – 20 mai var tann árliga WACC telvað. Hesu ferð var kappingin á Kreta í Grikkalandi.

Eg luttók saman við mínari ambitiøsu dóttur Ellen, sum nú er vorðin 12 ár.

Samanborið við aðrar IM-kappingar eg havi luttikið í, var hendan sterkari enn tær flestu.

Longu í januar mánaði meldaði eg meg til kappingina, við tí fyri eyga at vinna hana. Men sum kappingin nærkaðist vístu úrslitini, trý tap á rað í donsku liðkappingini, at alneyðugt var við dagligari intensivari venjing ein mánað áðrenn.

Tað vísti seg skjótt, at venjingin ikki var til fánýtis. Treyðugt so, byrjanarspælið var ikki nakað at reypa av, men tað sum eg hevði vant var ’variantútrokning’. Og tað var hetta, ið gav stig!


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European Youth Championship 2013

Dear chess friends, We have the honour to send you the regulations for the European Youth Chess Championship which will be held in Budva (Montenegro) from 28 September to 9 October 2013. We believe that you have already been sent the regulations by the European Chess Union office. In addition, please find attached the regulations for the European Youth Rapid and Blitz Championship which will be held in Budva as well, as the introduction – from 24-28 September. It is our special pleasure to present to you our official website at the domain and we would like to use this opportunity to invite you to visit it. You can find all the necessary information on the website, the map of the space for the accommodation of participants and playing hall, as well as some other interesting information. The website will be updated with new interesting information, the same as …

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9-15 European Union Youth Championship Mureck/Austria 2013

Dear sirs, Attached you will find the regulations for the European Union Youth Chess Championship 9-15 being held at Mureck/Austria from July 30 – August 8 2013. Free room and board is offered to players as well as to one coach per federation. Kind regards FM Erich Gigerl (Tournament-director) Enclosure: 1. EU Youth Championships 9-15 2. International Styrian Open 8-16 3. Tourist Information Dear sirs,Attached you will find the regulations for the European Union Youth Chess Championship 9-15 being held at Mureck/Austria from July 30 – August 8 2013.  Free room and board is offered to players as well as to one coach per federation. Kind regards FM Erich Gigerl (Tournament-director)   EUYCC_2013_registration.doc EUYCC_2013_regulation.doc registration_open_13.doc regulation_open_13.doc EUYCC_2013_Mureck_tourist_information.pdf    

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