European Youth Championship 2013

Dear chess friends, We have the honour to send you the regulations for the European Youth Chess Championship which will be held in Budva (Montenegro) from 28 September to 9 October 2013. We believe that you have already been sent the regulations by the European Chess Union office. In addition, please find attached the regulations for the European Youth Rapid and Blitz Championship which will be held in Budva as well, as the introduction – from 24-28 September. It is our special pleasure to present to you our official website at the domain and we would like to use this opportunity to invite you to visit it. You can find all the necessary information on the website, the map of the space for the accommodation of participants and playing hall, as well as some other interesting information. The website will be updated with new interesting information, the same as …

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9-15 European Union Youth Championship Mureck/Austria 2013

Dear sirs, Attached you will find the regulations for the European Union Youth Chess Championship 9-15 being held at Mureck/Austria from July 30 – August 8 2013. Free room and board is offered to players as well as to one coach per federation. Kind regards FM Erich Gigerl (Tournament-director) Enclosure: 1. EU Youth Championships 9-15 2. International Styrian Open 8-16 3. Tourist Information Dear sirs,Attached you will find the regulations for the European Union Youth Chess Championship 9-15 being held at Mureck/Austria from July 30 – August 8 2013.  Free room and board is offered to players as well as to one coach per federation. Kind regards FM Erich Gigerl (Tournament-director)   EUYCC_2013_registration.doc EUYCC_2013_regulation.doc registration_open_13.doc regulation_open_13.doc EUYCC_2013_Mureck_tourist_information.pdf    

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World Junior Chess Championship 2013

Dear sirs, Attached you will find the regulations for the European Union Youth Chess Championship 9-15 being held at Mureck/Austria from July 30 – August 8 2013. Free room and board is offered to players as well as to one coach per federation. Kind regards FM Erich Gigerl (Tournament-director) Enclosure: 1. EU Youth Championships 9-15 2. International Styrian Open 8-16 3. Tourist Information   Dear Friends, The Turkish Chess Federation (TCF), have the honour to invite all the FIDE member Chess Federations around the world to participate in the World Junior U20 Chess Championship 2013 (open and girls) which is going to be held in Hatay, Turkey between September 12th, 2013 (arrival) and September 27th, 2013 (departure). TCF aims to organise an excellent event with your participation as ever. We want to make a significant impact with global media coverage and special attention to chess. Tournament Page: Yours sincerely …

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Steypakappingin 2013

Eftir væl eyðnaðu steypakappingarnar 2007/08/09/10/11/12, skipar Talvsamband Føroya - aftur í 2013 - fyri Steypakapping í talvi fyri lið, leygardagin, tann 25. mei 2013. Tiltakið verður í Húsmøðrafelagnum í Klaksvík, beint við Skákið.

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Icelandic Chess Championship

The Icelandic Chess Championship was held for the first time in 1913. So for the 100th anniversary, the tournament will be in a completely different format than in the last 99 years, when the tournament was usually a Round Robin for 10 to 12 players. So now the tournament will be totally open for everyone – and held during summertime. That is when the sun is shining almost all day and all night! So for the usual visitors to the Reykjavik Open,they would see Iceland and Reykjavik in a totally different light than in February and March. The tournament will be held on the 20th floor in “The Tower” in Borgartun 10-12, only 15 minutes from downtown Reykjavik, the top floor on the tallest building in Iceland. In this new glasshouse building, there is a without question the most spectacular view over all of Reykjavik and its surroundings. The Icelandic Chess Federation therefore continues its recent tradition on only offering truly spectacular playing venues for its tournaments! Already registered are all the strongest Icelandic professional players. The tournament now will also include the Icelandic Women Championship. The tournament is now for the …

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Olaf Berg vinnari av Grand Prix !


Olaf Berg var toppskorari á HT-liðnum í liðkappingini, vann FM fyri einstaklingar á Páskum og til GP-finaluna á Toftum,lat hann ongan iva vera um úrsliti. 8 stig av 9 møguligum og suverenur vinnari av GP 2012/13.

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Frásøgn frá DM 2013



Árliga DM-kappingin í talvi varð hildin í døgunum 23. – 31. mars á ráðstevnudeplinum Konventum í Helsingør. Hetta er sama stað, sum stóra Politiken Cup kappingin hevur verið hildin seinastu árini, og sum áður eydnaðist tað fyrireikarunum at skapa eitt frálíkt kappingarumhvørvi. Við analysuborðum á hvøjum horni, ókeypis te og kaffi, talvbókahandli og einari talvbarr, har telvarar kundu telva snar, analysera og fylgja við talvunum úr kanditatkappingini í London, vóru allar fortreytir fyri røttum talvhugna til staðar. Men serliga kappingar- og áskoðaraumstøðurnar vóru framúr.

Landsliðsbólkurin telvaði í einum fyrilestrasali, har talvini vóru víst á stórskíggja, og áskoðarar kundu seta seg at fylgja gongdini. Flestu teirra valdu tó at fylgja talvunum á einum øðrum stórskíggja í einum øðrum fyrilestrasali, har viðmerkjararnir FM Per Andreassen og GM Jacob Aagaard greiddu frá og kjakaðust um tær ymsu støðurnar. Sum telvararnir vórðu lidnir, komu flestu teirra eisini framvið at siga frá um talvini, teir høvdu telvað, og annars fylgja við teimum, sum eftir vóru.


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